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Fix the "413 Request Entity Too Large" Error in WordPress

Fix the “413 Request Entity Too Large” Error in WordPress

Sometimes, a website shows annoying errors confusing users while browsing. If browsing other sites makes you annoyed when it comes to your site, things are very different. Many types of website errors occur, some generic and others specific to WordPress. One such error is 413.

Error 413 belongs to the family of HTTP 4xx status codes, which identify errors connected to the request made by the client. In this article, you will see what the “413 Request Entity Too Large” error is and how you can fix it in your WordPress.

What Is the “Error 413 Request Entity Too Large” Error?

HTTP Error 413 indicates that the request made cannot be managed by the server, and this is because it involves a file or a block of data or, again, a group of files that are too large compared to the maximum limit that the server can manage.

The browser window generally displays the message “413 Request Entity Too Large”. This problem can occur if you try to upload too large files via the browser, exceeding the limits imposed by the webmaster for security reasons or others.

Why Does the “413 Request Entity Too Large” Error Occur?

Error 413 Request Entity Too Large occurs when you try to upload a file that exceeds the maximum upload limit set on your web server. In other words, when you try to upload a file that is too large, the web server returns an error message informing the user that “413 Request Entity Too Large”.

The message shown to the user may vary depending on the web server and the client. The following are the most common messages that indicate the occurrence of this error:

Error 413
HTTP Error 413
HTTP Code: 413
Request Entity Too Large
413. That’s an error.

Fixing the “413 Request Entity Too Large” Error in WordPress

As you know, error 413 usually occurs when you upload a large file to your web server, and your hosting provider has set a limitation on file size.

One of the common problems webmasters encounter when managing WordPress is allowing the webserver to allow file uploads via the Media Library. However, if your WordPress-nginx-with-apache/” target=”_blank”…

#Fix #Request #Entity #Large #Error #WordPress

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